
Who is responding

Who Is Responding to Your Marketing?

Hours of planning, preparation, and execution go into launching a direct mail campaign. After everything is out the door, how do you determine if it’s working? Do you know who is responding to your marketing? By analyzing response data, you can identify who completed transactions, gain valuable insights on your consumers, and make data-driven decisions… Read more »

Direct Marketing Building Brand Loyalty

The Role of Direct Marketing in Building Brand Loyalty

After you win over new customers, how do you maintain that relationship? The client you’ve had for 10 years, what keeps them coming back? Brand loyalty is critical to keeping your customers, but it’s not built overnight, and your competitors are all too eager to fill the marketing space with their content. Direct marketing plays… Read more »

Marketing Impacts More Than the Products Promoted

Marketing Impact Is More than Promoted Products Sold

How are you measuring your marketing impact? Is it the number of promoted products sold, coupon codes redeemed, or links clicked? If you are only using those metrics, then you are seeing a mere glimpse of your marketing efforts’ true impact. Yes, you want to sell the highlighted product or service, but ultimately the goal… Read more »

6 Questions Response Data Answers

6 Questions Response Data Can Help You Answer

Some of the most valuable data in your arsenal is campaign response data. Unfortunately, it is the data most often overlooked. Sometimes, it’s never even collected. Response data reveals key insights into what is working and what is not working, so you can improve your marketing strategy and tactics. Let’s look at 6 ways you… Read more »

How is your marketing campaign performing

How Is Your Campaign Performing?

Knowing how your marketing campaigns are performing is key to creating successful strategies and marketing plans. Results can impact the next campaign’s budget, message, design, call to action, and even the audience. Early indicators can include website visitors, social media post interactions, clicks on links, video views, etc. But, how your campaign really did will… Read more »

Marketing Attribution

Marketing Attribution: Are You Getting Credit?

Most businesses use multiple marketing channels to get the word out about their products and services. How they allocate resources to each effort is determined by campaign results, so it’s critical to get credit for your marketing efforts. Let’s look at what marketing attribution is, why you might be losing attribution, and how to identify… Read more »

Prepare for Campaign Results Before You Launch

Prepare for Campaign Results before You Launch

Have you reached the end of a marketing campaign and not known how well it performed? Or gotten lost in a data jungle unable to make sense of what happened? Campaign results are critical in making future decisions about budget, channels, tactics, and strategy, but often we don’t think about analysis until the end of… Read more »

Are you marketing to the right people?
Capture Digital Responses to Direct Mail

Capture Digital Responses to Direct Mail

When you send out a direct mail piece, people can respond in a lot of different ways. They may use the link or QR code you included, or they may not. Just because they don’t use the information on the mail piece doesn’t mean they didn’t respond. They may have responded digitally, and if you… Read more »

two people working, looking over a tablet

8 Reasons Printers Should Care About Data Analytics

If you’re in the printing business and haven’t added data analytics services, you might want to look into it. Offering data analytics is a great way to add value for your clients and expand your business. When you offer analytics, you are able to help your clients strategize. You also have the opportunity to be… Read more »