
Marketing Impacts More Than the Products Promoted

Marketing Impact Is More than Promoted Products Sold

How are you measuring your marketing impact? Is it the number of promoted products sold, coupon codes redeemed, or links clicked? If you are only using those metrics, then you are seeing a mere glimpse of your marketing efforts’ true impact. Yes, you want to sell the highlighted product or service, but ultimately the goal… Read more »

YOY Reports

Year-Over-Year Reports Help You Navigate

Year-Over-Year (YOY) reports are valuable tools that help you evaluate performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions. These reports analyze data from one year to the next, offering important insights and the trajectory of your company. In an ever-changing market, these reports will empower you to set your business up for success.  Evaluate Performance  Through… Read more »

Campaign analysis

Campaign Analysis: Are All of Your Markets Performing Well?

When your marketing campaigns are over, are you reviewing overall metrics and ROI or are you looking at each individual market? Running a market-by-market campaign analysis enables you to see how each location is doing and how their individual audiences are responding. This type of data analysis equips you to make informed adjustments and provide… Read more »