If you only advertise on one channel, you are missing chances to stay in front of your prospects. That’s opportunities you are giving your competitors to grab their attention and introduce their products and solutions. By incorporating multiple channels in your advertising strategy, you can stay in front of your audience and keep their attention throughout their buyer’s journey.
Benefits of Using Multiple Marketing Channels
#1 Advertise the Way People Shop
Most consumers use an integrated buying process. They might browse through a catalog, enter the website URL, checkout product reviews, add an item in their online shopping cart, and watch a video in the app before finally purchasing in store. Each consumer will start their journey at a different point and take their own path to making a purchase. Adam might hear your ad on a local radio station while Christa discovers your offer through a display ad.
Regardless of where customers start, consider all the avenues they might use to view your products or services. Where will they be looking for solutions? Place ads where prospects will encounter them, so you can capture their attention. By using more than one channel, you are increasing the odds that your audience will see your offer and act on it.
#2 Send Reminders
Another great benefit of using multiple channels is each element can support the overall campaign. We live in a fast-paced world that is full of distractions. It’s not uncommon for someone to see an email, add a product to their online cart, get interrupted, and forget to make a purchase.
By running a unified campaign on multiple channels, other marketing pieces like social or display ads can remind them to go back and complete their transaction. Email is a great tool to send reminders that an offer is about to expire or there’s a limited number of products available. Utilizing additional channels allows you to keep your offer in front of your audience.
#3 Build Credibility
Consumers want to buy from brands they trust, and trust is built over time. In order to introduce your company, product, and services to your target audience, you have to get in front of them. Multiple exposures to your offer lead to brand recognition.
When consumers encounter your offer across various channels not only does it expedite their familiarity with your brand, but it also builds credibility. Your offer is no longer an ad from some company they encountered once. It’s an offer from a brand they recognize and has a strong advertising presence.
#4 Create More Opportunities to Say Yes
Using multiple channels to get your offer in front of people gives your audience more opportunities to say yes. If you use only one channel, you are giving them one chance to say yes, and even though they may need your services, the timing could be off. Maybe they’ve just started considering solutions and aren’t quite ready to purchase.
By giving people several chances to respond, you are allowing them time to consider your offer, removing obstacles preventing them from saying yes, and staying in front of them until they’re ready to purchase.
Choose Channels that Make Sense
Advertising opportunities are all around you. Each channel offers new ways to be creative and reach your audience. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which channels to use, and the pressure to be on all of them is high. However, not every channel will make sense for your business and offer. Analyze your customers and see where they are active.
Make strategic decisions about which channels to advertise on based on where your customers are. You can make an incredible TikTok ad, but if your audience isn’t on there, it’s not going to help you win business. Think about where your customers live and work, what devices do they use, what social apps are they on? Do they subscribe to certain magazines or streaming services? Choose channels that make sense for your budget, offer, and customer base.
Next Steps
Advertising on multiple channels builds campaign momentum and increases response rates. If you want to learn more about how adding a digital boost to your direct mail campaign can give you a 30% lift in response rates, reach out to our team.
If you want to learn more about who your customers are and how best to reach them, let’s connect. Our team can create a custom MicroModel for you that analyzes 470+ lifestyle and demographic data points and 10 layers of spatial data.