Successful sales happen when you hit the marketing sweet spot. You target the right person, in the right location, at the right time. If any of these factors are off, the sale falls through. While there is no perfect formula for achieving it, you can align as many factors as possible, so when it all comes together, you’re ready. In order to increase your chances of finding the marketing sweet spot, you need to strategize and create a plan. Data modeling and analytics can give you the information you need to create the best strategy for your business.
Target the Right Person
The most important aspect of your marketing campaign is targeting the right person. If you advertise to the wrong audience, your marketing campaign will be setup for failure. For example, if you have a dog grooming company but advertise to people who don’t have a dog, they’re not going to respond.
You want to get your message in front of people who have a desire for what you are offering. The best people to target are the ones who have a problem and are searching for a solution – your solution. Keep in mind, the right audience will also have the means to purchase your product or service.
Data analytics can help you identify the very best prospects for your company. It all starts with analyzing your current customers’ demographics, lifestyle interests, behavioral and geographical data. Data scientists will analyze thousands of data points to create your ideal customer profile, and then your prospect list can be scored against the profile. This will let you know which people are most likely to buy from you and which ones are the least likely to respond.
Many businesses are able to trim 60-70% of their marketing list and focus their efforts of their top prospects.
Place Your Offer in the Right Location
In order for the right person to know about your company and offer, you have to get your message in front of them. Choosing the right channel is critical, but there’s a lot of options out there. You have traditional channels like magazine ads, billboards, TV commercials, and direct mail as well as digital channels such as email, social media, display, streaming radio, and programmatic TV.
Each channel serves a purpose, but in order to know which one to use, you need to know who your audience is and where they’re located. That’s where data analytics comes into play. Your customer profile will play a key role in helping you choose which channels to use to reach your audience.
For instance, say you have a lawn and garden store and find out many of your customers are into bird watching, then you might want to put an ad in a bird watching magazine. If you have an electronic store and discover that your customers are really into running, try sponsoring a race and setting up a booth. If you have a younger audience, think about incorporating TikTok into your marketing strategy.
You need to think about who it is your targeting. What apps are they using? Which sites are they visiting? What stores are they shopping at? Build your media plan around where your prospects will most likely be.
Advertise at the Right Time
Timing really is everything, especially when it comes to marketing. You can get your message in front of the right person who has been looking for a product like yours, but if the timing is off, they won’t make a purchase. They could abandon their shopping cart for any number of reasons such as someone started a conversation with them, they realized they have a meeting to get to, or they decided they’re not quite ready.
Whatever the case maybe, you need to make sure your prospects are exposed to your message multiple times. Consumers are inundated with ads all day, every day, so in order to win the sale, you have to stay in front of them. Utilizing multiple channels increases your exposure and credibility.
This is why omni-channel marketing has become such a success. You are placing the same message in front of the right people across multiple channels. Your different channels are all working together to move the prospect further down the sales funnel.
Data analytics can help you figure out ideal times to advertise. A great tool to use is Google Analytics. It can show you what hours of the day your audience is most active on your site. You can also see when people are interacting with your ads.
Another way to use analytics is to look at your sales cycles. When do people buy your seasonal product? Which product do they buy first? How long does it take from the first advertisement until a purchase is completed? What two products do they buy together? When does a lead age out?
All of this information can help you narrow down your opportune windows, so you can maximize your marketing efforts and digitally target your audience during high volume time frames.
The Wrap Up
Finding the marketing sweet spot involves getting your message in front of the right person at the right time. This sweet spot will move and evolve as your customers, seasons, and even technology change. Make it a regular part of your marketing strategy to study it, test out new methods, and refine your process.
Do you know what your marketing sweet spot is?
At Analytic Marketing Partners, we help businesses identify their best prospects, so they can focus their marketing efforts on the people most likely to respond. If you’re interested in learning more, send us an email.