During the holiday season, your customers will receive thousands and thousands of digital ads. Instead of joining the masses, stand out and leave a strong impression with a direct mail piece. Direct mail is incredibly effective, and we listed three steps to help you increase the impact of your holiday mailers.
1. Create an Impression
One of the best parts about direct mail is that it’s tangible. Your customers will not only see your message, but they will interact with it and touch it. Take some time to think through that experience. Is your piece visually appealing? Is your message eye-catching? What kind of paper is it printed on? How is the opening experience? When you add a few extra touches, people will take notice. Pleasant experiences, even something simple as using nice paper, will cause people to linger a little longer on your message.
2. Target the Right People
You can buy a standard mailing list, but in order to see great results, invest in having data analysts clean up the list. Data analytics will show you who your top candidates are and who you should remove from the list because they will never be good customers. This can add up to big savings! Plus when the right target audience receives your message, they will be interested in what you have to say.
2. Personalize It
Once you know who you are sending your message to, personalize it. A good analytics report will let you know exactly who your target audience is and what they like. You can then use that information to create personalized mail pieces which will hold your audiences’ attention even longer.
Direct mail won’t get lost in an inbox or fall through the cracks of an online algorithm. In fact, it’s the one medium that’s guaranteed to reach your target audience. Knowing that, take some time to create a great impression, target the right people, and personalize your holiday mailers. These extra steps will help you see greater results and higher ROI.
If you have questions about mailing lists, data analytics, or finding your target audience, we would love to help you get your holiday mailers ready. You can contact us here.