Your clients are using both direct mail and digital channels to reach their target audience. If you’re not offering digital services, you are losing to the competition. You are also missing out on a large part of your clients’ marketing budget. If you’re struggling to win new clients or grow your current clients, then it’s time to add digital to your arsenal.
Including digital services not only helps you recapture and grow your clients’ marketing budget, but it also helps you increase your direct mail response rates. Direct mail is a strong performing marketing channel, and its performance is enhanced when it’s paired with digital marketing.
No Equipment Needed
The best part about adding digital services to your print services is that you don’t have to buy any new equipment or have any digital marketing training. All you have to do is partner with a great digital team. Practically overnight, you can increase your service offerings and help your clients grow their business through digital channels.
Some Digital Services You Can Add:
- Digital Data Appends
- Website Retargeting
- Social Media Ads
- Display Ads
- Connected TV Ads
- Email Campaigns
- Direct Mail Retargeting
- Social Media Linkage
- Geo Fencing
- App Linkage
Digital services allow you to surround your clients’ customers with relevant ads and a unified message. Each customer will have multiple exposures to the campaign, pushing them further down the path to action.
When direct mail and digital campaigns are unified, they build momentum for each channel and the overall campaign. Because everything is working together instead of siloed, your client will see an overall increase in response rates and a greater ROI on their marketing campaigns.
By adding digital services to your arsenal, you can see the full picture of how everything is working together. You also have the information you need to help your clients strategize and create more successful campaigns.
A great benefit of combining direct mail and digital campaigns is the transition from targeting audiences to targeting individuals. With postal addresses added to digital addresses, you can identify who your clients are targeting online.
Targeting individuals means you know exactly who responded, what advertisements they were targeted with, and how they responded. Instead of guessing how a campaign performed, your client will see real results.
Ready to add digital to your arsenal? Reach out to our team.