
Compelling Offers

Are You Creating Compelling Offers?

When you evaluate the performance of your marketing campaigns, are you reviewing each aspect? It can be tempting to look at only your ROI, but if you stop there, you won’t know what’s really working. Successful campaigns target the right people at the right time with a strong offer. As you evaluate everything from your… Read more »


Are You Using a Sales Funnel or a Sales Loop?

Most marketing and sales strategies operate as a funnel. The goal is to introduce your brand and product to as many people as possible in order to fill up the top of the funnel with the end result being more customers. The problem is most companies stop there. They celebrate winning new customers, and then… Read more »

8 Ways to stay in front of your audience

8 Ways to Stay in Front of Your Audience

Whether you are trying to win new customers or maintain your current customer base, you need to stay in front of your audience. Consumers are inundated with advertisements and messages all day long, and if you are not reaching out to them on a regular basis, you can get lost in the noise or even… Read more »

Using Direct Marketing Successfully

Using Direct Marketing Strategy Successfully

Direct Marketing is smarter marketing. Instead of marketing to an audience, you are strategically selecting the households you want to target with your message and offer. Direct marketing has been around for centuries and still continues to be one of the most successful forms of marketing. It allows you to communicate directly with your target… Read more »

USE Multiple Channels

Use Multiple Channels to Reach Your Audience

If you only advertise on one channel, you are missing chances to stay in front of your prospects. That’s opportunities you are giving your competitors to grab their attention and introduce their products and solutions. By incorporating multiple channels in your advertising strategy, you can stay in front of your audience and keep their attention… Read more »

Prepare for Campaign Results Before You Launch

Prepare for Campaign Results before You Launch

Have you reached the end of a marketing campaign and not known how well it performed? Or gotten lost in a data jungle unable to make sense of what happened? Campaign results are critical in making future decisions about budget, channels, tactics, and strategy, but often we don’t think about analysis until the end of… Read more »

Comparing Data Counts

Comparing Data Counts

If you’ve requested data counts from multiple vendors, you’ve probably received a wide range of numbers. Part of this is because each data vendor uses different sources to compile their own national consumer file. Vendors also use their own parameters to pull the data, impacting the counts. How do you compare them and select the… Read more »

Finding Your Marketing Sweet Spot

Find Your Marketing Sweet Spot

Successful sales happen when you hit the marketing sweet spot. You target the right person, in the right location, at the right time. If any of these factors are off, the sale falls through. While there is no perfect formula for achieving it, you can align as many factors as possible, so when it all… Read more »

6 Ways to Maximize Your Marketing Campaign's Impact

6 Ways to Maximize Your Marketing Campaign’s Impact

Marketing campaigns are an exciting challenge to create and execute. They involve finding the right audience, identifying your audience’s need or want, presenting your company’s solution, and overcoming any obstacles that prevent them from making a purchase. After you have pulled together a great campaign, you want to make the most of your time and… Read more »

Personalize Your Direct Mail

5 Ways to Help You Personalize Your Direct Mail

One of the best parts about direct mail is that it’s personal. You are physically delivering your message to your target audience, so why not maximize the experience by increasing the customization? The more you personalize your direct mail, the greater the impression you will create. We listed out 5 ways to get you started…. Read more »