
Ask your client an important question

Important Questions to Ask: Can You Tell Me about You?

When a prospective client gives you a few precious moments of their time, you have already passed through the first round of approval. They have either done their research online or have been referred to you by a trusted source. They wouldn’t be meeting with you if they weren’t interested, so instead of talking about… Read more »

Learn from Obstacles
Know your customers

Achieving Greatness Part II: Know Your Customers

People who achieve greatness study their goal, they understand what it will take to accomplish, and they focus on what matters. One of your main focuses should be to know your customers.  Whether you want to grow your business, increase your sales, or achieve higher results for your clients, you need to know who is… Read more »

Four Steps to Achieve Your Marketing Goal

You’ve Got a Marketing Goal; Now What?

After much consideration, and probably a few meetings, you’ve settled on a marketing goal, and it feels good. But now, you’re not quite sure what to do next. Here are four steps to help you achieve your marketing goal. Step One: Know Where You Are Before you can get to where you want to be,… Read more »

Create Marketing Goals

You Should Create Marketing Goals and Here’s Why

Setting goals may not sound like fun, but if you don’t take the time to create marketing goals, how will you know if your campaign worked? Creating Marketing Goals Allows You to: 1. Focus: Great marketing campaigns are focused, delivering a single message. Avoid flooding your potential customers with too much information. Before you begin… Read more »