
Measure Your Success
Data Analytics Can Tell You

What Can Data Analytics Tell You About Your Customer?

You’ve heard about data analytics, know they’re probably important, but haven’t had the time to look into them. Are data analytics worth the time and the investment? Let’s look at three things data analytics can tell you about your customers. #1 Your Customers’ Profile When the data is compiled and sorted, you’ll find a fascinating… Read more »

Put Your Message in the Right Hands

Is Your Marketing Message Getting Delivered?

In today’s digital world, most people have multiple social media accounts, emails, and even phone numbers. It can add up to quite a few communication channels per person. How can you make sure your marketing message is getting delivered? Digital marketing has its strengths and can be very effective, but it’s hard to know if… Read more »

Data Marketing Analyst

What Is a Data Marketing Analyst and Do I Need One?

A data marketing analyst is a numbers magician who takes hundreds of points of data about your customers and makes sense of it all. Knowledge is power, so businesses are constantly collecting data on their customers. They collect anything from birthdays to contact information to purchase history, etc. The amount of data gathered quickly adds… Read more »