
Direct Mail

Is Your Direct Mail Useful?

With the heavy onslaught of online advertising, consumers are feeling digital fatigue now more than ever. A great way to stand out and see high ROI is to send direct mail. This form of advertising is most effective when it’s useful to your consumer. Irrelevant mail gets tossed whereas useful pieces make an impression.  If… Read more »

Geographical Data

Why Is Geographical Data Important?

Geographical data will give you important information about your customers such as how far away are they from your location, what traffic patterns do they follow, and which neighborhoods do they live in. When you look in depth at geographical data, it will reveal what your unique marketing footprint looks like. This information can be… Read more »

holiday mailers

3 Steps to Get Your Holiday Mailers Ready

During the holiday season, your customers will receive thousands and thousands of digital ads. Instead of joining the masses, stand out and leave a strong impression with a direct mail piece. Direct mail is incredibly effective, and we listed three steps to help you increase the impact of your holiday mailers. 1. Create an Impression… Read more »

What questions do you have?

Important Questions to Ask: What Questions Do You Have?

Before a potential customer contacts you, they have done their research and added you to their shortlist. This means there’s probably only a handful of questions separating you from their business. Make sure you ask them “What questions do you have?” Creating the space for your customer to ask questions lets them address their concerns… Read more »

How Can I Help?

Important Questions to Ask: How Can I Help?

How can I help? It’s a simple question containing only four words, but it’s a powerful question. Asking potential clients how you can help lets them know you are on their side, are ready to listen, and want to provide them with a solution.  When you think about why this person has contacted you, they… Read more »

Ask your client an important question

Important Questions to Ask: Can You Tell Me about You?

When a prospective client gives you a few precious moments of their time, you have already passed through the first round of approval. They have either done their research online or have been referred to you by a trusted source. They wouldn’t be meeting with you if they weren’t interested, so instead of talking about… Read more »

Learn from Obstacles
Measure Your Success
Know your customers

Achieving Greatness Part II: Know Your Customers

People who achieve greatness study their goal, they understand what it will take to accomplish, and they focus on what matters. One of your main focuses should be to know your customers.  Whether you want to grow your business, increase your sales, or achieve higher results for your clients, you need to know who is… Read more »

Four Steps to Achieve Your Marketing Goal

You’ve Got a Marketing Goal; Now What?

After much consideration, and probably a few meetings, you’ve settled on a marketing goal, and it feels good. But now, you’re not quite sure what to do next. Here are four steps to help you achieve your marketing goal. Step One: Know Where You Are Before you can get to where you want to be,… Read more »