
Holiday Marketing Preparations

Holiday Marketing Preparations

Hard to believe, but it’s that time of year – the time to make all of your holiday marketing preparations. While you and your team strategize about what you should offer and how it should look, don’t forget to consider your audience. Will you be able to reach them this year? Through data hygiene, modeling,… Read more »

6 Questions Response Data Answers

6 Questions Response Data Can Help You Answer

Some of the most valuable data in your arsenal is campaign response data. Unfortunately, it is the data most often overlooked. Sometimes, it’s never even collected. Response data reveals key insights into what is working and what is not working, so you can improve your marketing strategy and tactics. Let’s look at 6 ways you… Read more »

AMP Website Retargeting

Website Retargeting: Don’t Let Interested Leads Slip Away

Finding new prospects and winning them over requires time, money, and effort. The process starts with creating awareness and introducing prospects to your brand, products, and services. The evaluation phase involves providing prospects with additional information while they determine which solution is best for them. When you make it to the conversion phase, your goal… Read more »


Improve Model Performance with New Spatial Variables

Even when you use unique data sets, data models can grow stale. The continuous challenge becomes how do you improve model performance and keep it fresh. When our models seemed flat, we searched for new ways to increase their predictive power. Our solution was to create 4600+ spatial variables that strengthened our models and allowed… Read more »